"We are human first & We must have humanity. Let's join together & make this world much better place"

Gift a child a life of hope!

With just $100/month.

About Our Organization

The Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission (TUTPM) has emerged in the year 1999 to serve the poor, rural and tribal people of Mizoram and especially to the chakma people. The initiatives was taken by a few educated chakma youths, who have completed their education but decided to organize the poor rural and needy chakma people initially within the Lunglei District and later move out from the district boundaries and covered entire state of Mizoram.

These youths have also contacted the village elders and educated persons for guidance and later decided to form an association of people to transfer their thoughts into practical implementation. Therefore, the youth group has involved few more motivated and experienced persons in the team and thereby decided the name of the Association as “THE ULTIMATE TRUTH PREACHING MISSION(TUTPM) “ and thereby applied for registration under section XXI of societies Registration Act 1960 and got desired legal status for introducing planned development initiatives for extending organised development actions under the stated banner of the Mission.

The Registrar, Societies Registration Act 1860 was kind enough to register the Mission on 29th March 2000 and since then the Organization is actively engaged in extending its various developmental services for the promotion of the needy, poor, rural and tribal people of Mizoram by putting special focus on the development of the youths & women of the chakma tribes in its operations.

Therefore, the Organization is basically represents the voice of the poor, needy rural and tribal people, especially the chakma tribes of Tuichawng area of Lungsen Rural Development Block. The Mission is now fully engaged in the process of establishing some common development plat form on which community based welfare and development activities may be performed like social, economic and other welfare oriented interventions.

In this direction, the Organization interested in organizing the poor, needy, deprived, rural and tribal people with special focus on the chakma tribes in its operational areas and also wants to provide necessary supports and services for their social, economic and cultural up-liftment. It also interested to assist for their total empowerment to have a peaceful & harmonious life-style.

The Organization has started introducing its development activities on low-scale and based on the resource mobilized from and within the communities. The promotional efforts of the Mission was came into light when it has successfully supported few students
and provided support for some welfare activities for the needy, poor, rural and tribal people and made them visible before the community.

Later, the community has started more and more such activities by mobilizing the resources from the community.
Now, majority of its developmental activities are always be suggested by the community with due consideration of their actual needs and the Organization utilizes its
human resources for their proper executions. The TUTPM  has become established as a community based development institution after facing lots of troubles and difficulties to get accepted and extends its services after mobilizing required resources from the community.

Therefore, the Organization is now representing a complete democratic platform for the development of the people, which in other words quoted like By the people, For the people. The community stands for the Organization and the Organization  stands for community based development actions and has reached the stage to achieve this status by standing for each others on development.

However, to balance its development interventions, the Organization has started some specialized skills-upgradation trainings for the rural and tribal people interested to undertake some feasible income generation activities as a part of their self-employment towards ensuring a regular income for adoption of a life-style and move towards their sustainable livelihoods.

The Organization therefore, started organizing some vocational training with major emphasis on skill-upgradation, management and marketing of their finished products to have reasonable income for their labours, time and investment. The Organization has also utilizes its available resources in the form of educated youths to provide coaching to the dropouts and general students for their better education and make them a good citizen of the state and country.

To assist the needy poor, rural and tribal people the Organization has also given its emphasis on health and health related issues and organised its action to generate awareness for having better health and health life. It has also assessed their health problems and started introducing health-camps to assist the patients in the treatments, medicines and other related expenditures. The Organization is also taking initiatives to educate people on taking up preventive measures to avoide large medical expenses, spending time and face problems occurs due to non-availability of finance on income during the particular time.

However, the growing experiences of extending various welfare and developmental activities the Organization have been now enabled to organize its interventions by utilizing professional approaches whenever and wherever it is possible. In accordance to the above, the Organization has decided to set targets oriented development interventions on six strategic and sectoral progrrames as mentioned below.

1. Educational Programmes

2. Health Programme.
3. Environmental Programmes.
4. Livelihood Development Programmes.
5. Women Empowerment Programmes.

The Organization has also kept the cultutal programmes separate from its strategic interventions considering this as having no direct relation with the livelihoods development programmes.

Rather, the Organization has decided to focus more on the Women Empowerment Programmes considering it as the lowest and effective ways to
uplift the most deprived community and bring them in the lights of sustainable development. In this direction, the Organization has started organizing women folk inclusive of the chakma and other communitites and decides for undertaking planned development activities.

Therefore, the Organization has started organizing the women groups inclusive of the chakma tribal women in the style of Self-Help-Hroups (SHGS) and imparting vocational and skills trainings for improving their skills. The Organization is also extending its support and services for the women to produce quality products in bulk to have reasonable prices for their efforts.

However, due to lack of financial experiences, the Organization was unable to link these SHGS with credit sources and now the Organization is looking forward to avail some external resources to extend necessary supports to these SHGS for their total empowerment. The external support, the Organization is looking forward is the sponsorship of the Programmes/Schemes either from any Govt department or from any Funding Agencies who are working for the development of the people of Mizoram and encourage Self-Help movement.

The Organization is also interested to organize and re-structure the behaviour and character of the people by giving moral education through religion they believe in order to help them eradicate irrational beliefs & thoughts and keep themselves a lot from antisocial activities encouraging rational beliefs & thoughts to bring peace in them and as well as in the community.

The development operation of TUTPM  are basically focusing towards education of the needy rural poor, deprived tribal children with special attention to the chakma tribal children and also towards empowerment of the needy rural poor, deprived and tribal people with special attention to chakma tribes and who are interested to stand on their own feet for their sustainable livelihoods.

The Organization is putting all its developmental efforts initially to improve their individual and group skills for adoption of suitable income generation activities to provide alternative means for their sustainable livelihoods development.

The Organization normally adopts its operational strategies for its developmental interventions are based on promotion of social. Economic and educational development with special emphasis on giving early child care and education to the underprivileged poor chakma children and also on skill upgradation using of local materials and resources. And seeking market to sale finished product and extends required support services to have better health, environment for peaceful and harmonious livings. It also promotes sectoral interventions with the activities related to the health, education, environment and livelihoods.

The Organization organizes its developmental interventions to achieve its sets target by utilizing its adopted strategies in following six sectoral activities.

a) Educational Programmes.
b) Health Programmes.
c) Environmental Programmes. 

d) Livelihood Development Programmes.
e) Women Empowerment Programmes.

More details of these planned development initiatives are placed here.


1. Education Programmes:
The TUTPM feels that, spreading education is one of the most important activities under its developmental interventions. The education programmes play a greater role in human life and helps in creation of various development opportunities among the tribals and children.
Since the Organization is focusing towards working for the tribals and children in the rural areas for their upliftment. This education programmes of the Organization gets high priority for implementation then any other development programmes as it considers the involvements of the nation building process.
Therefore, the education programmes of the Organization is comprise of three types of activities :-
Running of the AHIMSA SCHOOL .
Coaching for drop-outs in secondary level.
Coaching for poor & needy students in elementary level and providing of books & prizes to the meritorious students.

Ahimsa School. : The Ahimsa School is run smoothly. The enrolment of the school has gone upto 70 in this academic year from classes K.G.-1 to class-iv. Four teachers and one peon-cum chowkidar have been providing voluntary services with a very small honourarium. The school building has been constructed with pucca structure with the donation received from Mr. Mahendra Sagar of India Charitable Foundation and Dr. Sachi G. Dastidar of Probini Foundation. Toilets for both boys & girls also constructed separately. A retaining wall spending more than Rs. 80,000/- has been constructed as foundation of the school.

(ii) Coaching for the drops-out :
The objectives of the coaching for drop-out students by the Organization is mainly to spread the education among the poor, rural and tribal students have tried their best for acquiring education but due to some reasons unable to continue their studies in school and drop-out. The Organization considers this is a responsibility of their educated youths to help these drop-out students to continue their studies by overcoming their respective problems and get educated for their better future.
Since the Mission is engaged in various development programmes in the village areas, it also collects information about those students are not going their regular school for education. Later, the Organization discussed with both parents & students together and then brings them at coaching centre to help in reducing gap in their studies to enable them to go to schools.
This year, the Organization has enrolled 34 drop-out students in its three coaching centres from eight different villages and 40 students are successfully sent back in their schools for continue of their studies.

(iii) Coaching (General) :
The objective of running the general coaching centre of the Organization is to help the needy poor, rural students in their studies. This programme is generally meant for extending required support services for spreading of education among the school going children/students.

The Organization runs these coaching centres considering the needs of the students and period and frequencies of these coaching are depend upon the requirements of the students. To run these coaching centres, the Mission takes support from the community to spare the accommodation for the coaching centres and the educated youths of the Organization are volunteering for extending the coaching for the needy poor school going children.students.
This year, the Organization has successfully run five such free coaching centres to cover 51 students from class ii to class viii from six neighbouring villages of its operational areas. The Organization also organises programmes and activities both to help the needy poor students with books and prizes for continuation of their studies.

(iv) Legal Awareness :
The Organization emphasis on generation of legal awareness among the common people, educate people for realizing the needs of right information to stop unwanted quarrels in the family, community and have life with dignity. This will not only stop getting exploited but also to stop exploit others. The impact of the programme was visualize to people one step ahead to know things first and start taking action to reduce normal quarrels/exploitation.

The objective of the health programmes of TUTPM is to have better health and befit for working to earn livelihoods for him/her self and for their respective families. The major components of the health programmes are devided the two forms of services as stated below:
(a) Awareness Generation Programmes:
Awareness Generation on various health aspects with diseses, their symtoms and information of their preventive measure before they severely attack human life and cause huge medical expenses. The Mission therefore organises these AGPs on health aspects in the remote villages to educate the tribal people with major focus on the women folk.

The Organization organizes special awareness drives on health for the children to educate them, their mothers/parents/families to know about early action to stop spreading of such diseses and speedy recovery.
Some of those common diseses affecting people are malaria, diarrhea, gastric, anaemia, asthma and skin diseases. The medical team also suggested some preventive measures to be adopted. The health AGPs helps the people to know the symptoms of these diseases to enable them to take immediate medical attention for their family members and reduce the possibilities of larger health disorder and enable the patients to get speedy recovery over the disease.

(b) Health Camps :
Health Camps for free health checkup for the poor patients resides to remote areas and unaware of the modern medical facilities and services. The other motto to organize these health camps is to convey the message of medical facilities and services available for the poor patients from various governments and these patients must avail such services for their better health and healthy family life.

The Organization organizes its environment development programmes with the objectives to have green surroundings and protect environment from its destroy. Since inception, the Organization is taking its regular initiatives for promotion and protection of environment as part of its social responsibilities.
The Organization therefore, has tried to organize its environment interventions in two basic
programmes as below :

(i) Awareness Generation Programme on Environment: The Organization has organized environment awareness camps in six separate villages and ten schools to educate the common people and school going children for having minimum knowledge on environment. The ignorance of the people on environment has led them towards misusing the valuable natures gifts without knowing their values.

The Organization wants to educate people on environment and enable them to take necessary action to protect environment for having healthy lives. The Organization also has organized public meetings, cleanliness-drives and also discussed environment in some specialized meeting organized for these purposes.

(ii) Plantation of Evergreen Trees : The Organization has undertaken planting of evergreen trees in the villages of its operational areas for having a green Mizoram. It has planted more than 300 ( three hundred ) evergreen trees in the villages Tuichawng, Tuichawngchhuah, Bawrkawl, Siminasora and Matrisora during the last year. People cuts trees for their needs but never think to replace them by planting a new one. Therefore, to ensure availability of the evergreen trees to help the villages have better environment and better lives, the Organization has taken this initiatives.

The TUTPM considers livelihood development interventions is one of the most important activities for economic upliftment. The Organization therefore, introduced The Chakma Tribal Handicrafts Project with its cluster headquarters at Tuichawng, in 2011 and placed the same before the Development Commissioner, Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, New Delhi through proper channel. The Developemnt Commissioner was pleased to approve the Project.

The women empowerment programmes of TUTPM are exclusive development initiatives to promote the poor and tribal women interested to stand on their feet. The Organization mainly focused on provide them basic guidance and direction to regain their due rights in the society and thereby get their social and economic status in the respective village, community and society.
The Organization is therefore, initiated its actions to undertake some exclusive activities for organizing the poor women inclusive of young girls who have been left by their husbands and are in search of their livelihoods.

The Organization is trying to provide some economic activities based on their existing skills and capacity for starting income generation activities to earn their total empowerment.
The women are basically manages their respective families within available and limited resources and tries to satisfy all the family members and the Mission has decided to use this management capacities for their development and provide them suitable means and platform for their right growth.
Therefore, the Organization has started its development interventions in different ways as mentioned below.
(a) Awareness Campaign on AAM ADMI BIMA YOJONA:
The Organization in collaboration with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, Aizawl Branch, have conducted Awareness Programmes in the villages Tuichawng, Samuksury, Ugudasury, Tuikawi, Malsury and Bindya Sora on AAM ADMI BIMA YOJONA and enrolled 105 members to get benefits by their families at the event of their death.

(b) Promotion of Self-Help-Groups (SHGS) :
The 44 (forty four) SHGs formed earlier are given good guidance and supervision inorder to keep the SHGs active. The SHGs are working hard to stand on their own feet. They are asked to participate in the Design & Technical Development Workshops and skill upgradation training conducted by the Mission from time to time for upgradation of their skills in the crafts they have been practicing. Now, they have started to make good quality of products which are sold in the local market at a reasonable price. The women are helping their husbands to bring sustainable livelihood of their family. Their small income really help to support their families.

The TUTPM always tries to undertake need based planned interventions together with community. Since major development resourses are coming mainly from the community. It considered the needy rural poor and tribal people as its target people for introduction of various development initiatives under six sectoral programmes and activites as below:
Education Programme:
The Organization will continue to run the Mahabodhi Residential School upgrade the same from elementary to higher secondary status since the local are giving supports to it. The Organization will try to find doner from within India and abroad to get sponsore for the extention of school building. The mission will also give its full efforts to build and run Hostel for the poor and deprived Children to provide them free and quality education. It will also help them in building of good character and positive thinking the mission will also continue its coaching felicitation programmes for the general and drop out students.
Health Programmes :
The Organization is continue with both awareness generation, preventive
measures and organizing practical health camps to help the needy poor patients for their better health. The Organization is looking for more resources for organizing such health camps and opening of a health clinic in future and actively in search of them.
Environment Programmes :
The Organization is interested to introduce awareness generation and plantation activities more planned manner. It also trying to organize in such a manner that, it can able to provide a regular earnings to the poor people.
(d) Livelihoods Programmes :
The Organization is interested to introduce area-based or cluster based development programmes for planned interventions for better livelihoods of the poor and tribal people with special focus on the chakma tribes.
The Organization wants to put more emphasis on the agriculture, service, handloom and hadicrafts based activities both for individual and group initiatives.
The Organization has submitted proposals for 10 (ten) skill-upgradation trainings and 5 (five) Design & Technical Development Workshop to the Development Commissioner Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, New Delhi who has given assurance to sponsore the said interventions to cover 350 artisans. The Organization will start implementating the same as soon as grant-in-aid is allotted.
(e) Women Empowerment Programmes :
The Organization is interested to introduce both short and long term developmental programmes and activities for the promotion of the women specially the tribal women of its operational areas.
The Organization is also interested to take help of the Self-Help-Group concept to organize the women and thereby lead them for their social and economic-upliftment. The Organization tries to introduce a series of development activities in the area that can help them to become self-sufficient and have better life-style.
About Rajesh Kumar Chakma image
Rajesh Kumar Chakma was born on 01/01/1960 at Matrisora Village. His family name was Lal Kumar Chakma. Now he is popularly known by his good name Rajesh Kumar Chakma. His parent migrated to Tuichawng Village in 1968 by gov’t order during the insurgency of Mizoram.

He passed High School Leaving Certificate Examination in 1978 He was the first H.S.L.C. passed boy in the Village. He joined Lunglei Gov’t College in August 1978 in 1styear PUc. But he had to stop further studies from june 1979 due to financial drawback of his parent.

Being back home, he choose to entrust himself in social work. He formed YOUNG CHAKMA ASSOCIATION, Branch at Tuichawng in 1979 and became the secretary of YCA branch. As a secretary, he undertook various welfare activities in the village. He proposed to established a Middle School in the Village. But, got no support from the then village leaders. In 1980, he joined in Diblibagh Private Middle School as Headmaster. He run the School at best he could. He obtained school opening permission and board recognition in the same year. He also formed Zonal Committee, YOUNG CHAKMA ASSOCIATION, at Diblibagh in 1981 and became the first YCA Zonal President. As a President, he worked hard to unite the local chakma people and under taken various developmental activities of the village.

In 1982, he got a job as typist-cum-LDC under Mizoram Gov’t in co-operative department. But, with the request of the village leaders of Diblibagh he didn’t join the job. In june, 1982, his father fallen seriously ill and became physically unsound, he had to come back home at Tuichawng to run his father’s business.

In 1983, in the month of September, he got appointment for the post of Primary Teacher at his native Village Tuichawng and the post of Circle Education Officer at Kamalanagar under Chakma Autonomous District Council at the same time. He preferred to join the post of Primary Teacher at Tuichawng, thinking that it was his responsible to work further for the welfare of his native village since there were no any educated persons in the village.

He joined the post of Primary teacher at Tuichawng gov’t Primary School w.e.f. 27th September 1983. Since then, he worked very hard for the upliftment of the people Tuichawng and neighbouring villages.

In 1989, he formed YOUNG CHAKMA ASSOCIATIONS’ ZONAL COMMITTEE at Tuichawng and became the first Zonal President. As a YCA President he worked hard for social reforms and development of the chakma people. In 1993, he became the secretary of Vihara Management Committee, Shanti Niketan Bouddha Vihara, Tuichawng. In 1994, he represented the annual conference of MIZORAM BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He was elected as the Vice President of Mizoram Buddhist Association in the conference. As a Vice President of MBA, he worked for the improvement of Chakma Buddhist Society. In 1995, he became the chairman of Shanti Niketan Bouddha Vihara, Management Committee. He undertook the renovation work of Shanti Niketan Bouddha Vihara, while working as a Chairman. He felt it necessary to form an ASSOCIATION/SOCIETY and got it registered under Firms & Societies Act 1971 under Mizoram Government to unite the chakma people with common goal and work for the welfare of chakma community in Mizoram. Hence, THE ULTIMATE TRUTH PREACHING MISSION, was formd in 1996 and got registered in 2000.

Email: President.utpm@gmail.com
About Sudip Chakma imageAbout Sudip Chakma imageAbout Sudip Chakma image
Sudip Chakma was born on 15/11/1977 at Nunsury Village.  . His parents was migrated to another village, Tuichawng, due to the transfer of his father as a Government Primary School Teacher in 1986.

Education up to grade 7,  then went to Shillong for further studies, but couldn't continue study due to financial problem.

Afterwards, he came back from Shillong in 1994 and served as  a Volunteer Teacher in Government Primary School at Diblibagh, where his father was serving as a Headmaster. 

In 1997, his father was unable to serve as Headmaster due to his old age, so he  decided to apply for the job of Primary School Teacher in place of his father on COMPASSIONATE GROUND.
Fortunately, he was appointed as Primary School Teacher in Government Primary School in Diblibagh.

He has been a social and religious minded person since childhood, and he was always involved in activities of going to the Temple, helping others, spending time with the older generations, listening to the many different 
stories from them, which is all his passion and interests.

As he socialized he has seen that his people were behind the years in Education and modern life. He knew with his education and teaching skills, he may be able to help them. Many young and older individuals have a strong desire to learn but have no
resources to learn from.  In 1996, he joined and help register an organization with the name 'THE ULTIMATE TRUTH PREACHING MISSION'. He joined as primary member only.

After he joined this organization, he saw that no one was working with the outside world to develop the organization, for the members had no such idea how to start it, promote it, nor knew how to raise funds, nor  know or had access to internet, nor how to use the internet for such purposes. Finally in 1997, an internet provider came and set up a small internet system in the village. At that time, there were no cell phone companies and people in the village were still learning about telephones. Internet and cell phone is still new here to those days.

Though there's government school, but there's no school to get education for Buddhism Education.
His dream was to establish a Buddhist Mission School to give Dhamma Teaching to the  Chakma Buddhist children, for there is so much to teach them about they're ancestors and traditions.
So, he decided to buy a small Nokia phone, and began to utilize the internet and reach out to people.

After working for 3 years day and night with a small phone, he had gained the oppurtunity to get to know and meet so many wonderful people.

He reached out to Mr. Sachi G. Dastidar, a distinguished Professor, State University of New York and President of Probini Foundation, New York, USA. Mr Sudip shared with him the issues and problems effecting the Chakma people of Mizoram. He agreed to help and visited our village in 2012, he saw the lack of a school, and granted us funding to construct a Primary School.

Later in the year, Mr Sudip went to attend a conference in 2012 Kolkata, India, organized by Probini Foundation, where he met a good friend. Mr. Arindam Bannerji, he introduced him to a generous friend, Mr. Arun Kanti Bannerji, a retired 
mechanical engineer and Professor in New York, USA. Mr. Arun Kanti Bannerji agreed to sponsor the school monthly of INR 15,000 [$214 USD] and is still helping till today.

Mr Sudip Chakma also got an oppportunity to meet Mr. Mahendra Sagar, President of India Charitable Foundation, Massachusetts, USA., visit us in 2013. He helped us financially to keep building the school.

Mr Chakma wrote to Mahabodhi Society,Bangalore, India, for financial support for construction of the school building. After 3 years they have finally helped us with INR 24  lacks to help the school project. 

After getting financial help from the India Charitable Foundation and The Probini Foundation, Mr Sudip along with Mr. Rajesh Kumar Chakma, president of the Ultimate Truth Preaching decided to build Ahimsa School behind the Shanti Niketan Buddhist Temple and accordingly it has been built.

As the building was started in 2011 and the new school was finally established in 2016 as MAHABODHI RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL with the help of Venerable Ananda Bhante of Mahabodhi Society, Bangalore, India. We offer classes to children grades 1-10. Today, the school is up and running.

Mr Sudip felt the children will need to learn English in order to communicate with other children across the world on the internet so he has created a Volunteer profile on the internet, many great people from USA, France, Belgium and others in European countries have volunteered personally by visiting the school and giving English lessons and teaching other skills to our children.

 Luckily, two volunteers from USA, Ms. Dana Lee and Mr. Anthony Hugh, came to volunteer at our school. After seeing the problems the children face, they have decided to form a US based Organization to help the Mahabodhi Residential School. They have named their nonprofit 'The Seeds of Love Worldwide'. Ms Dana aside helping others poor Asian children on her own, was inspired and touched by what I was trying to achieve for the children of my village. As much as we need funds, I told her it would be difficult for her to help us after her own charity work, and suggested she form an organization as I did. She agreed and formed an organization and are also sponsoring our children. 

Besides all the above efforts to build a school for poor children, through the same methods Mr Sudip have also helped build the Shanti Niketan Buddhist Temple. 

He  helped building the Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple at Tuichawng  with the helped of Mr. Clifford Carter of USA and has visited us in 2017. This Buddhist Temple was built to provide Buddhist Teachings and Meditation to over 165 students and 65 different Buddhist families living in the Village. 

Today, he is seeking financial help in building a housing area for over 100 ordained Buddhist monks and novices at the Temple. Mr Sudip Chakma is 43 years old, and he will continue to serve his community until his last days on Earth. 

Above all,  He is happy with his accomplishments and he is grateful to all. 

Without the support and encouragement of generous people, it would not have been possible to achieve his goals.

Mahabodhi Residential School (MBRS)

Motto: "Education is a guide, knowledge is the key."
The school’s motto highlights the essence of its mission. From a Buddhist perspective, education guides individuals toward ethical living and enlightenment, while knowledge unlocks wisdom and liberation. MBRS aims to blend moral and academic education to create compassionate, mindful, and well-rounded individuals.

About MBRS

Established in 2016 by The Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission, MBRS owes its existence to several dedicated contributors. The land was generously donated by Mr. Nihar Kanti Chakma, and the construction was financed by Venerable Anand Bhante of the Mahabodhi Society, Bengaluru. The school offers discounted education to underprivileged Chakma children and provides separate hostels for boys and girls.

A Vision Made Reality: The Role of Mr. Sudip Chakma

The establishment of MBRS would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of Mr. Sudip Chakma, whose dedication and ingenuity laid the foundation for the school. With only 2G internet access in the late 1990s, Mr. Sudip reached out to various individuals and organizations through social media and other platforms to raise funds. His unwavering commitment—working day and night to spotlight the community's educational challenges—resulted in the realization of this transformative project. His work serves as an enduring example of how determination and resourcefulness can overcome even the most significant barriers.

Mission and Achievements

MBRS provides quality education to children from over 30 Chakma villages, many of whom live below the poverty line. Despite limited resources, the school has consistently shown improvement in board exam results and continues to expand its support for students pursuing higher education.

Challenges and Aspirations

The school continues to face challenges, particularly in ensuring that meritorious but underprivileged students can access higher education. MBRS aims to secure additional resources and build partnerships to provide sustainable support for its students.


MBRS stands as a beacon of hope for the Chakma community, demonstrating the power of education in breaking cycles of poverty and discrimination. Its motto, “Education is a guide, knowledge is the key,” reflects the school’s vision to nurture enlightened, empowered individuals who can lead meaningful lives and uplift their community. Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of individuals like Mr. Sudip Chakma, MBRS is not just a school but a movement toward a brighter future.

Fee criteria for mahabodhi school imageFee criteria for mahabodhi school imageFee criteria for mahabodhi school image
Latest Fee Criteria of Mahabodhi Residential School, Tuichawng.


KG - Rs. 50
Class - I - II = Rs. 150
Class - III - V = Rs. 250
Class - VI - VIII = Rs. 350
Class - IX - X = Rs. 500


Class - I - II = Rs. 2200
Class - III - V = Rs. 2300
Class - VI - VIII = Rs. 2600
Class - IX - X = Rs. 3500

Admission Fee

KG - Rs. 500
Class - I - II = Rs. 600
Class - III - V = Rs. 700
Class - VI - VIII = Rs. 800
Class - IX - X = Rs. 900
HSLC Results image
Dear Students

I hope, this finds you in nice health. How pleased I am to hear the happy news of your brilliant success in the HSLC Examination with 1st, 2nd and 3rd division.

Yours success is indeed very creditable but it is not unexpected. Your regular, hear and methodical work has received its reward and you have brought credit to our school, teachers and your parents .

Congratulations on your great achievement. Never run after success; gain worthiness, and success will run after you.

Sudip Chakma
Gen. Secretary,
Managing Committee,
Mahabodhi Residential School, Tuichawng.

Yearly Results of HSLC Examination conducted by the Mizoram Board of School Education.






Sponsoring a child with a needy child

Our sponsorship program offers the most direct and effective form of giving, with 100% of your donation supporting a needy child and the project in which they live.

No waste. Just pure, simple giving! Help us give more children the opportunity for a bright future.


When a child has lost the support of their parents, the world becomes a difficult and lonely place. Each new sponsor enables us to offer one more child a home, education and most importantly, love.

It doesn't take long until we see big smiles of joy on our new children's faces, as they become secure in knowing that they are safe in their new home, surrounded by the care of the needy family.
Your gift helps us provide a truly vulnerable child with 3 wholesome meals per day, clothing, basic education costs, health care, and contributes the running costs of your child's sponsorship fund.


As our children grow, the fees for quality education and all their school needs, become a lot more expensive. Education partners help us fund the extra support, guidance, resources, and fees required for our secondary, vocational and university students and apprentices.
If you have any questions or need any more information please email: sudip.utpm77@gmail.com

Three easy ways you can set up your sponsorship!

MAKE A REGULAR PAYMENT WITH Direct bank transfer

Set up a regular gift donation to sponsorshipFund via your bank with 0% transfer fees. DON'T FORGET to add your name as a reference in the transaction.

Account Name: Sudip Chakma
A/c No: 1463104000036962
IFSC: IBKL0001463
MICR: 796259102


You can securely set up your ongoing donation from anywhere in the world via credit card or debit card through our GiveNow page.


You can securely set up your ongoing donation from anywhere in the world via your pay pal account or credit card or debit card.

Our PayPal link-- https://paypal.me/sudip77?locale.x=en_GB

If you have any questions or need any more information please email: sudip.utpm77@gmail.com

What happens next?

IMPORTANT! When you have set up your payment, please send a confirmation email to sudip.utpm77@gmail.com so we can introduce you to your child.
Sponsors are part of the worldwide Mahabodhi Family. As a sponsor you'll receive your child's profile as well as a recent photo and be kept up to date with all of our project news.
Throughout the year, sponsors can exchange letters with the children - photos and letters from our sponsors make up some of our children's most treasured possessions.

Thank you for helping us create real change in the lives of vulnerable children 

Need more inspiration? 

Sponsoring is so important because it supports our kids financially, plus it also gives them a family connection. They talk about their sponsor mother, sponsor father, sponsor brothers and sisters with such love and belonging. Help us welcome more children into the Mahabodhi family.
When we first meet our children, often they have only have the rags on their back. With no one in the world to care for them, Mahabodhi Family reaches out to some of the world's most vulnerable children.

Witness the joy we are bringing to our children's lives below.

Sponorship for a needy child imageSponorship for a needy child imageSponorship for a needy child image
You can now contribute food to daily wage, migrant workers through Mahabodhi -Food Relief campaign
Mahabodhi -Food Relief's initiative called Youth Feed Tuichawng Village is a fundraising campaign to provide Free Relief of dry ration to the poor across the villages of Tuichawng, who are the most affected by the lockdown.

Due to the complete lock down across the Tuichawng areas, the most affected have been the daily wage workers who are without work or government support and therefore are unable to be providers for their homes. The situation has gotten worse in the past few months as these workers have no earnings. Things might get worse as the lockdown doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. However, this non-profit based in Tuichawng, Mizoram, India is doing the needful to help these hungry villagers of Tuichawng and surrounding areas.

We have been successfully distributed free relief to 700 families till today.

Please extend your helping hands to provide food for these poor peoples.

Donation can be sent through the following methods:-

Bank Transfer:-
Account Name: Sudip Chakma
A/c No: 1463104000036962
IFSC: IBKL0001463
MICR: 796259102

Our PayPal link--



Donation Amount

Expressing Our Gratitude to Sponsors, Donors and Volunteers!

We Thanks to all our donor's and sponsor's for taking an interest in the work we do at MBRS, and for donating your time, resources and talents to help make our noble cause a great success!

We’re taking another opportunity to thank all of our donors, sponsors and volunteers for helping us building this educational institution at Tuichawng village.

We could not have establish a successful school without you, and the funds you helped us will go a long way toward supporting our underprivileged minority Chakma Children of Tuichawng and surrounding villages.

In Appreciation of Our School Sponsors and Donors There are so many ways individuals, companies and organizations contributed to our school in Tuichawng area. Many individuals and companies donated products, food, water filters, which helped us keep our costs low and create a great experience for our needy students.

We could not run this school without such generous donations from these donors and sponsors.

Thank YOU for supporting our school, and remember that your financial support make a difference to our school around Tuichawng and surrounding areas!

Mr. Sachi G. Dastidar

Distinguished Professor, State University of New York & Chairman of Probini Foundation

Our first Sponsor from U.S.A.

Read More  

Mahendra Sagar

President of India Charitable Foundation, Massachussets, USA

Sponsor of the School Building

Read More  

Venerable Ananda Bhante

General Secretary, Mahabodhi Society Bengalore, India.

Arun Kanti Banerjee

Retired Professor

Mr. SV Laiju

Chairman of TGG Foundation

Ashok Doshi of Dubai

Business man

Dr. Purvi of Dubai


Anthony Hugh

Seeds of love world wide foundation

Mr. Bacchus of Singapore

Sponsor, Fundraiser and Volunteer

A dynamic and efficient teacher

Read More  

Dana Lee of USA

Director of Seeds of love world wide foundation

Mr. Raja Kamble of Pune

Retired Army officer

Clifford Carter of USA

Director of Innar Warrior Spirit

Mr. Des Tubridy of Australia

Retired Professor

Mr. Cy Han

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude & thanks to Sir, Han for your help in financing us in various projects like, Construction of Girls Hostel, Construction of Bathroom and toilet, buying of a land for playground. Sir, Han has also sponsored 6 underprivileged students to study in Aizawl. Now, he is sponsoring only one student who is studying B.Sc second year now. Sir, Han has also donated for the construction of Ariyagiri Vipassana Meditation Center till the first estimate but, this meditation center is still under construction as the Chief abbot of the center has extended the size of the temple and the construction is still going on with other sources. All these Assistances are for us a warm and bright ray of light representing good and caring people who are attentive to the plight of others. Being that our needs are many, these aid helps us greatly. May you beblessed for your careful consideration and decision to understand and us in our endless struggle to manage the various projects and provide for the needs of our Chakma community.

Ms. Benedickt from Belgium


Mr. Kourosh Garegani from Belgium with our student


Mr. Marcel from Franch


Ms. Coralie from Franch


Miss Malou from Canada


Devaprasath Rao from Chennai

Volunteer & Mathematics Teacher

Miss Emma from USA


Mr. Bacchus from Singapore

Volunteer and teacher

Karen Thomson from Canada

Volunteer & Adventurer

Interested volunteer can reach out to us to volunteer through this link

Please visit us👇

House Burning Project imageHouse Burning Project imageHouse Burning Project image
On 8th March, 2020, 5 (five) houses were burnt into ashes when the owners were out for day work in the field. Very little  belongings could be saved by the neighbours from the houses. The Village Council called an emergency meeting to provide relief measures to the victims families with the village NGO’s and the prominent persons of the village. The members of meeting decided to raise fund like cash, rice, clothes & utensils. It was also decided to report the matters to the Government of Mizoram for relief assistance. Accordingly, the matter was reported to the SDO (Civil) Tlabung and the BDO Lungsen. Enquiry was done from the BDO office but no relief measures have been provided till date.
The local NGO’s have collected cash, rice, clothes and utensils from the village and distributed these articles to the victims families along with some cash to meet the immediate expenses (but very small amount). The NGO’s have collected bamboos etc. to make some small huts for the victims families, as they’re staying in their relatives homes and some in the community hall.

The matter was brought to the notice of TGG Foundation by TUTPM, and they have asked us to call a meeting in the presence of the village head and other prominent people of the village to take the support of the local community to help in getting the natural materials and construction. At they're end the matter was presented to the  ethics committee for approval, who have requested for a written confirmation from the village head.  The TGG Foundation have received an official confirmation letter from the President of Village Council (PVC) on 26th April 2020, requesting for support and  authorising us to gain the necessary financial aid from the public to help them rebuilt their houses before the rain starts. 
They are overwhelmed by the participation of the village community and the NGos in helping the victims to meet the basics and collecting the natural materials available locally to start the construction work.

Finally, The TGG foundation have been able to raised fund according to the needs for the five fire victims families.

This development model is unique since the local community came forward to volunteer the construction work, TGG Foundation contributed the raw material cost that had to be purchased and TUTPM (a local NGO) monitored and coordinated the activities. A house with a budget of Rs.75000/- has been completed by just Rs.37110 + the effort put in by responsible humans. Another four houses will be constructed soon.

Tuichawng is one of the important focus areas for tutpm & TGG Foundation,  Kerala, India. With the aim of enhancing its intervention in the rural areas of Tuichawng, the Need Based Assesment survey is underway at the moment. The priority areas for intervention in the villages are livelihood, health, sanitation and hygiene etc.  Once the Village Adoption project report is approved by TGG Foundation, TUTPM can apply for Associate Membership and also to implement the project at Tuichawng.
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School Anniversary Celebration image
Founder’s Day — A Celebration to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of MAHABODHI RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL, (MBRS) Tuichawng

Monday, April 5 was not just another day at MBRS. The day marked a significant milestone in the history of the school, the mbrs community, and the lives of those who were and are privileged to be a part of this remarkable community. With over 200 students, faculty and honorees present, the original circle drive filled with students and community members eager to begin the evening festivities. Opening remarks were made by Sir Sushil an energetic teacher body and Principal Sadak.

Special thanks to Sir Mohit an efficient and dynamic teacher of Mbrs for encouraging us to commemorate this school anniversary.

We were also honored to have Sir Mohit a teacher sponsored by 'Seeds of Love' organization whose vision and dedication helped bring us where we are today.

Today we embark on our next 5 years because of so many who have cared about children and supported our dreams and hopes for the school. Parents, teachers, in fact the entire community have joined together to become our extended Mahabodhi family. Their hard work and dedication have made mbrs who we are today. A lot has changed over the years. We are a much bigger and a much better school in so many ways. However, one thing has not changed, our purpose — To be a place where children are inspired to learn and where they thrive as individuals, a place filled with young people who care about each other and about making the world a better place.”

This truly was a special day of honoring the excellence that Mbrs has fostered.

Thank you to everyone to who attended, to those who have supported our mission for the past 5 years, and to those who will continue to allow the school to provide our students the best opportunity to learn, grow and excel as young people.

And finally, a special thanks to the founding President Sir Rajesh who took the challenge upon himself to provide a private, independent, and thriving school for our underprivileged children.

Thanks and Gratification:-

Dear Dharma Friends, As decided by the Management Committee of Maha Bodhi Buddhist Temple (MBT) Tuichawng-2, I have reached out to  many Dhamma friends around the world for a generous DONATION for construction of Maha Bodhi Buddhist Temple in Lunglei District, Mizoram, India.

After a long time, I have written to our Dhamma Mother, Monica Thaddey of Switzerland for the construction of our temple.

And it is very happy to state that, Mother has wholeheartedly agreed to support us in building our Buddhist temple as we have told her that this temple would be beneficial for the students of Mahabodhi School and also the local devotees for the propagation, preservation and protection of Buddhism in Mizoram, India.

Now, the construction of the temple have been started with the generous contribution made by our Mother and the duration of the temple construction is 6 months and maybe extended due to some other circumstances.

The tutpm & the MBT of Tuichawng is highly acknowledge and thanks to Mother Monica for her generous support towards building our Buddhist temple and her contribution shall be remarkable for all the Buddhist community of Tuichawng.

It is said that through wisdom can the mind be freed from defilements, but Dana is also a prerequisite for propagation of Dhamma Practice, meditation, and Samadhi leads to wisely reflection, and wisely reflection leads (together with the power of Samadhi) to wisdom, and wisdom leads to detachment, and detachment leads to awakening.

The subject of this thanks giving note presents just such an opportunity and it is for the most worthy of causes-to support a place of worship and cultivation of mind, at MBT in southern Mizoram, India.

In so doing through her generous support make manifest the words of the most basic Buddhist prayer, to support the teachings of the Dhamma and Vipassana Meditation, the remembrance of the Buddha, and the followers of the Buddha.

Establishment and construction of a Concrete structure Buddhist Temple at this remote areas will serve the diverse spiritual needs of all Micro minority chakma Buddhists and non-Buddhists with warmth and spiritual openness. It will also serve as a center to teach and practice the techniques of meditation for the purpose of spiritual development. The students of Mahabodhi Residential School (MBRS) will get an opportunity to learn Dhamma through this Buddhist Temple.

The local people are mostly farmers and cultivators were unable to raise sufficient fund in financially as per the amount needed. But they used to make donation as per their possibilities from their earnings. All are indigenous poor Chakma community and follows Buddhism from time immemorial.

The contribution Of Mother will help and in its entirety go towards a new Buddhist Temple.

By making a donation to her ability, She is indeed lending a hand to continue this precious effort to spread the lucid word of the Lord Gauthama Buddha.

As we all know that, Buddha said in the Mindfulness Sutra: Whoever has built the support [statue] and supporting [temple] well and arranged a place and for the needs of the Sangha will always have more and more happiness and virtue. The virtue can never be wasted or lost, even for millions of eons. One who has built the holy body of Buddha (statue), the holy speech of Buddha (scripture), the holy mind of Buddha (stupa), the kungarawa (temple or shelf for Dharma texts), and establishes the monastery (Sangha), gains very extensive merit, which is never lost and always increases.

So, We believe our Dhamma mother has earned lot's of merits by helping us in building this vihara.

Any amount of donation either big or small is heartily accepted from any other well wisher's.

May you all have the blessing by the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

Your's in the Dhamma,
With Metta,
Sudip Chakma
Gen. Secretary, TUTPM &
Volunteer of Maha Bodhi Buddhist Temple, Tuichawng-2
Lunglei District, Mizoram, India.
Email: sudip.utpm77@gmail.com
WhatsApp 91+9612602899

Donation can be sent to the following methods:-

Our Bank Transfer method-

Account Name: Sudip Chakma
A/c No: 1463104000036962
IFSC: IBKL0001463
MICR: 796259102

Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatta - May all beings be well, may all beings be happy, may all beings be free from suffering _/\_

We can not receive donation from abroad through our Society account due to unavailable of FCRA account is under process.

A video for preparation of upcoming 3rd Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony is given below:-👇

Embracing New Beginnings: A Joyful New Year Celebration at Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple, Tuichawng imageEmbracing New Beginnings: A Joyful New Year Celebration at Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple, Tuichawng imageEmbracing New Beginnings: A Joyful New Year Celebration at Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple, Tuichawng image
As the clock struck midnight and the stars adorned the sky, the serene town of Tuichawng came alive with the spirit of celebration. Welcoming the dawn of 2024 in the heart of Mizoram, India, the Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple became a beacon of joy, uniting students, teachers from Mahabodhi Residential School, and the warm-hearted villagers of Tuichawng.

The temple grounds were adorned with vibrant decorations, echoing the rich cultural tapestry of the region. Lanterns gently swayed in the breeze, casting a soft glow on the ancient stones of the temple. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, prayers, and the rhythmic beats of traditional music.

Mahabodhi Residential School's students and teachers, clad in traditional attire, added a kaleidoscope of colors to the festivities. With hearts full of gratitude, they gathered to express their hopes and dreams for the coming year, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The villagers of Tuichawng, deeply rooted in their traditions, warmly embraced everyone who joined in the celebration. Elders shared stories of resilience and wisdom, passing down the cultural torch to the younger generation. The temple grounds became a melting pot of joy, where diverse backgrounds merged into a harmonious celebration of life.

As the midnight hour approached, a collective anticipation filled the air. The sounds of traditional instruments gave way to a tranquil silence, allowing a moment of reflection for the community. Together, they offered prayers for peace, prosperity, and goodwill to prevail in the coming year.

The highlight of the celebration was a breathtaking display of fireworks that painted the night sky with an array of colors. The dazzling spectacle mirrored the aspirations of the community, reaching new heights as they welcomed the possibilities of the future.

In the embrace of the Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple, surrounded by the warmth of community and the teachings of wisdom, the residents of Tuichawng set the tone for a year filled with hope and promise. The echoes of laughter and the shared joy lingered, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

May the spirit of unity and celebration at Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple continue to inspire and illuminate the path ahead for Tuichawng and its resilient community. Happy New Year 2024!
Dining Hall Building Construction Project  imageDining Hall Building Construction Project  imageDining Hall Building Construction Project  image
Dear Sir/Madam,
Warm greetings and best wishes for the New Year 2024!
I trust this letter finds you well. My name is Sudip Chakma, and I am honored to represent the Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission, a registered Buddhist organization that established the Mahabodhi Residential School in 2016. As we embark on a new year, we reach out to you with a heartfelt plea for financial support to construct a permanent school hall, a crucial need for the 267 students currently enrolled in this academic session.

About Mahabodhi Residential School:

Our school, nestled in Tuichawng and dedicated to serving the indigenous Chakma children of Lunglei District, Mizoram, India, was founded with a commitment to providing general education along with holistic Buddhist teachings. Despite being a small organization with limited funds, we have managed to keep the school operational primarily through parents' contributions.

The Current Challenge:

Our main predicament lies in the inadequacy of our existing school hall. Currently built with makeshift materials like jungle woods and tin roofing, it is deteriorating rapidly. This not only jeopardizes the safety of our students but also impedes their ability to engage in essential practices such as meditation and devotion.

Importance of a Permanent School Hall:

A dedicated school hall is not merely a physical structure; it is a sanctuary for learning, meditation, and cultural development. Here's why a proper school hall is crucial:

1. Holistic Education: A permanent hall provides a conducive environment for both academic learning and the practice of meditation and devotion, fostering a well-rounded education.

2. Cultural Preservation: It serves as a space for cultural activities, ensuring the preservation of our rich heritage among the indigenous Chakma children.

3. Community Building: The hall becomes a hub for community gatherings, strengthening the bond between students, parents, and the wider community.

Estimated Budget Breakdown (Rupees 36 Lakhs):

1. Foundation and Structure: 15 Lakhs
2. Roofing and Flooring: 8 Lakhs
3. Walls and Windows: 5 Lakhs
4. Electrical and Plumbing: 3 Lakhs
5. Meditation and Devotion Space Setup:. 5 Lakhs

Your Support Matters:

We understand the significant financial commitment we are seeking, but we believe in the transformative power of education. Your support will not only help build a physical structure but will also create an environment that nurtures the minds and spirits of these underprivileged students.

We kindly request your generous contribution to make our vision of a permanent school hall a reality. Your support will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of these young minds and the community they represent.

For further information or to discuss this initiative in more detail, please contact us at our email. We sincerely appreciate your time, consideration, and potential partnership in this noble endeavor.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope in the lives of those who seek knowledge and enlightenment.

Warm regards & Lots of Metta,
Sudip Chakma
General Secretary
Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission
Lunglei District, Mizoram, India.

Please feel free to visit us at https://5f6812345257c.site123.me/
Dear Supporters,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As the proud caretakers of Mahabodhi Residential School in Tuichawng, Mizoram, we reach out to you with a heartfelt request that holds the key to the betterment of our students and the community we serve.

Our beloved school, established in 2016 by the registered nonprofit organization, The Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission, has become a beacon of hope for 267 students. These young minds, all hailing from below the poverty line families of the minority Chakma community, have found solace and education within our walls.

Today, we present to you a crucial initiative that will significantly enhance the educational environment at Mahabodhi Residential School—a campaign to build a School Hall. We estimate the budget for this project to be Rs. 36 lakhs, and we believe it is an investment that will reap invaluable benefits for our students.

Why is a School Hall essential?

1. Multipurpose Learning Space: A School Hall will serve as a versatile space for various academic and extracurricular activities. It will be a hub for educational events, seminars, cultural activities, and community gatherings.

2. Enhanced Learning Environment: A dedicated hall will allow us to conduct larger classes, workshops, and presentations. This will significantly improve the quality of education our students receive.

3. Community Engagement: The School Hall will provide a platform for fostering community involvement and interaction. It will be a space where parents, teachers, and students can come together, strengthening the bond within the Mahabodhi family.

4. Cultural Preservation: For the Chakma community, the School Hall will be a place to celebrate and preserve their rich cultural heritage through various events and programs.

Budget Breakdown:

1. Construction Materials: Rs. 20 lakhs
2. Labor Costs: Rs. 10 lakhs
3. Interior Setup (seating, stage, lighting): Rs. 5 lakhs
4. Contingency: Rs. 1 lakh

How You Can Help:

Monetary Contributions: Any financial support, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal. Your generosity can directly impact the educational journey of these students.

-Spread the Word: Share our cause with your friends, family, and colleagues. Your network may include individuals or organizations passionate about supporting education in underserved communities.

- Volunteer Assistance: If you possess skills or resources that could contribute to the construction process, we welcome your volunteer support.

Your commitment to education and community welfare can transform the lives of these 267 students at Mahabodhi Residential School. We look forward to your support in making the dream of a School Hall a reality.

For any inquiries or further information, please ccontact :-
Email- sudip.utpm77@gmail.com
Mobile- 9612602899

Thank you for being a beacon of hope in the lives of these young learners.

Warm regards,

Mahabodhi Residential School
The Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission

Dear Dhamma Friends,
I hope you are well and that the blessings of the Dhamma bring you peace and joy. Today, I write to you with a heartfelt vision for the future of Buddhism in Mizoram, a future that I believe we can shape together. This vision is rooted in both the needs of our community and the deep aspiration to preserve and spread the teachings of the Buddha in a region where they are at risk of being forgotten.
Currently, the Mahabodhi Residential School in Tuichawng serves as an educational institution for lay students, with boys and girls studying here with their families' support through monthly fees. While we are grateful for this, our mission feels incomplete. Despite our aspirations, we are unable to provide for novice and monk students at this time due to limited resources.
In Mizoram, around 150,000 people identify as Buddhists. However, our Buddhist community faces a serious challenge. Our Bhantes, though dedicated, often lack the educational support needed to teach the Dhamma effectively. There are only about 100 monks to serve over 200 Buddhist villages, and more than 90 viharas. Some viharas lack a resident monk, and many villages don’t have a vihara at all. This shortage of educated monks hinders our ability to pass down the teachings, and without action, we risk a gradual decline in Buddhist practice and understanding in our community. Already, around 15% of Buddhists by birth have converted to Christianity, largely due to this lack of spiritual guidance and support.
To address this, I envision Mahabodhi Residential School transforming into a center for educating novices and monks. By initially providing free education to a small group of 25 Bhantes, we can gradually cultivate a generation of educated Buddhist leaders who will carry the teachings of the Dhamma to every corner of Mizoram. I have seen young people who wish to ordain and study as novices, and even many Bhantes express a deep desire to learn more. However, supporting novices and monks requires a different approach, one that ensures both their educational and spiritual needs are met.
Here is what we will need to bring this vision to life.
1. A dedicated accommodation facility where novices and monks can live and study in a conducive environment.
2. Free meals to support the poorest novices and monks who wish to dedicate their lives to the Dhamma.
3. Free education sponsorship to help those from impoverished backgrounds access this unique opportunity.
4. A dedicated Dhamma teacher with a monthly salary to guide the novices and monks in both secular and spiritual studies.
Fortunately, the Mahabodhi Residential School already has the infrastructure for lay students, which novices and monks can also benefit from in their general education.
This project, I believe, is vital for the preservation and flourishing of Buddhism in Mizoram. Over the next 5 to 10 years, we could see a significant increase in educated Bhantes who can serve, teach, and inspire our community, ensuring that the Dhamma remains a living, guiding light.
While I am filled with this vision and aspiration, I lack the financial resources to accomplish it alone. With a humble heart, I am reaching out to seek your guidance, ideas, and any support you may be able to offer. I believe that with collective effort and compassion, we can make this dream a reality.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. May our joint efforts contribute to a future where the Dhamma thrives in Mizoram, touching lives for generations to come.

With metta and deep gratitude,

Sudip Chakma 
Coordinator & Cofounder,Mahabodhi Residential School &Mahabodhi Buddhist Temple, Tuichawng, Lunglei District Mizoram, India. 
Venerable Khemanando Bhikkhu, a distinguished Theravada monk from Russia, graced Mahabodhi Residential School and Temple in Tuichawng Village, Mizoram, India, with his revered presence. This special visit brought joy and inspiration to the students, teachers, and community members, offering them profound Dhamma teachings and practical insights into living a meaningful life guided by Buddhist principles.

Highlights of the Visit

1. Dhamma Talks and Meditation Sessions
Venerable Khemanando Bhikkhu conducted insightful Dhamma talks tailored for students and the community. He emphasized the importance of mindfulness, compassion, and moral discipline in daily life. Guided meditation sessions helped participants experience inner peace and focus.

2. Interaction with Students
The Bhikkhu engaged with students, encouraging them to integrate Buddhist teachings into their studies and personal lives. His warmth and wisdom left a lasting impression on the young minds.

3. Blessing Ceremony
A special blessing ceremony was held at the temple, where the Bhikkhu chanted and offered prayers for the well-being of all attendees.

Benefits for the People and Students

Enhanced Understanding of Dhamma
The visit deepened the community's understanding of core Buddhist teachings, including the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

Improved Mindfulness and Discipline
Students learned practical methods to develop mindfulness and discipline, which positively impact their studies and behavior.

Strengthened Spiritual Connection
The teachings fostered a stronger connection to Buddhist values, helping individuals navigate challenges with wisdom and compassion.

Promotion of Unity and Peace
The visit inspired a sense of unity among the villagers, creating a peaceful and harmonious environment.

The visit of Venerable Khemanando Bhikkhu was a transformative experience for everyone at Mahabodhi Residential School and Temple. His teachings will continue to inspire and guide the community on the path of Dhamma. We look forward to welcoming him again in the future.

For more updates and upcoming events, stay connected with us!

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